Today is God’s Friday, which somehow turned into Good Friday in common English. But it’s still God’s Friday. In fact, every day is God’s. All the time we have on Earth is given to us by Him.
It’s a good day to contemplate Jesus’ amazing sacrifice for us. Although He had done nothing wrong, He took the taunts and the torture without speaking, on my behalf, and on yours. He carried my sins to the cross, and yours. Through His death He built a bridge so that you and I can talk to the mighty creator and address Him as as Abba, Daddy. What an amazing privilege.
My sins still clog my heart. Daily I have to hand them over. I’m proud, I’m self-centered. I need to treasure my quiet times and not rush through them. Lord, change me. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Thank you for the beautiful reminder of God’s amazing grace!