Isabel’s Secret by Jan May features Isabel, 11, a contemporary tomboy growing up on a ranch. Her days are full of bareback rides on the range. But she’s got a grandmother who pressures her to leave her tomboy ways, move to Boston, and go to private school for young ladies.
And, sad to say, Gran is not to be ignored! She’s threatening to withdraw her loan that made it possible for Isabel’s parents to buy the ranch if her granddaughter doesn’t shape up.
Against this backdrop, Isabel has challenges to face–a bareback race against a rude rival, a huge snowstorm while parents are away, a stint at a hated girls’ camp. She’s learned to call on her faith when things are tough, and she has various opportunities to do that.
So, when she overhears a comment about a secret, she’s confused. What could it be?
This engaging book ties in with some homeschool curriculum materials from the author. It’s first of a series, New Millennium Girls. Christian homeschool families will be delighted to include it in their reading lists!