My friend N. returned to the St. Louis area to live with her mother, following divorce. She was despondent. In fact, she spent a year “in bed”–not going out, not communicating with anyone, oppressed by darkness.
She woke up one morning and instead of thinking “I wish I were dead,” her habitual first thought, that still small voice said, “Go to your old church, they will love you.” So she decided to go to the church she had attended 20 years before. She got into a healing prayer group, which includes me. And she started a Bible study featuring scripture memory that she found on the Internet.
At first she was still terribly depressed. But after only a few weeks of the healing prayer group and the Bible study, she was able to cast aside the depression. Miraculously, this was the first time since the age of 12 that she had been both not depressed AND not on medication. The Lord had completely delivered her.