As a homeschooling veteran, I review middle-grade stories to help parents, librarians, and teachers choose good books.
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The Masterpiece, a devotional story
Today we have a guest post, a devotional story from author Linda Rondeau.
I was created for a noble cause. I believed this from the beginning. With loving patience, Giovani transformed me from imperfect, undefined clay into the finest porcelain urn in all of Italy.
Daughter of Light by Morgan L. Busse, a review
Rowen Mar discovers a strange white mark on her hand and loses her soldier father on the same day. Her father was her only friend and protector in her village of suspicious folk, who can’t forget that Rowen is adopted.
Free ebook for today: Biblical fiction
Gods and Kings by Lynn Austin is the free ebook I am featuring today. It’s the first in the Chronicles of the Kings series. Readers really like it; it received 4.7 out of 5 stars on 80 customer reviews at Amazon. You can download it and read it on your computer if you don’t have an e-reader. Remember to do it soon; the special deal may end shortly.
Angel Eyes by Shannon Dittemore, a review
Brielle is crippled by her despair as she blames herself for her best friend’s death. To learn to cope, she returns to the small town she calls home from the big city where she had attended a performing arts high school. Old friends reach out to her, but she rebuffs them. Then an amazing boy shows up and shakes her from her lethargy.
Featured free ebook: a prairie romance
Our featured free ebook for today is Paper Roses (Texas Dreams trilogy, Book 1) by Amanda Cabot, published in 2009 by major Christian fiction publisher Revell. It received four out of five stars on 75 reader reviews at Amazon. Be sure to get it soon; it may not be free much longer!
An email from God
An e-mail from God showed up in my in-box last November, during a year I strained to wring out the deeper novel my literary agent was convinced I had in me. I needed to scrape out my emotions and smear them on the page. But I only knew how to shove them inside.
Joanie Hileman’s 32 Miracle Stories
Joanie Hileman was not a writer, but the Lord kept bugging her to write this book. Finally she did it. She gathered testimonies of God’s faithfulness in miracles and in loss from all over the state of Maine, it seems.
Free Ebook: Legacy Lane
Our featured free e-book for today is Legacy Lane by Robin Lee Hatcher (Book One in the Hart’s Crossing series), a mother-daughter tale. It earned 4 out of 5 stars at Amazon on reviews by 18 readers. It was published by Stonehouse in 2010. At 160 pages it’s a short novel, or novella.
More than religion
Writer Jennifer Slattery: When my daughter was young, I spent a great deal of time shining up the inside and outside of our house. I wrapped so much of who I was in what others could see. Pretty ugly, huh? God thoughts so, and as I grew closer to Him, He redirect my heart to things of greater value—eternal value.
Free ebook: A Hearth in Candlewood by Delia Parr
A Hearth in Candlewood by Delia Parr, Book 1 of the Candlewood trilogy, is our featured free ebook for today, available on Kindle. This book, published by a major Christian publishing house, Bethany, got 4 of 5 stars on 30 reader reviews at Amazon.
God – our strength, our comfort
hen I was a young woman, I hoped that I would marry the perfect man. I hoped that I would become a mother. I hoped that I would be happy, and have a wonderful life. But when I should have been patient, I rushed into marriage to the wrong man.
Kim Vogel Sawyer on worrying
In September of 2004, when God revealed the source of my many chronic illnesses, I knew I had to break my habit of worry. I claimed Isaiah 26:3, “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You.”