As a homeschooling veteran, I review middle-grade stories to help parents, librarians, and teachers choose good books.
Look for author news here too!
Angels? Protective “butterfly people” of Joplin
Little Eli Morgan, 5, was found mysteriously wrapped in a carpet after his mother and four children, including Eli, were blown out of the hallway where they had taken refuge. There wasn’t a scratch on him, but it took his family a little while to find him. Did an angel wrap him up?
A free ebook, historical fiction: Scotland in 1565
Child of the Mist by Kathleen Morgan, a Christian fiction suspense with romance elements, is our featured free ebook today. You can download it free from either for your Kindle, or at for all ebook formats. You can read it on your computer, if you don’t have an e-reader.
Author Staci Stallings on the little girl who wanted two pieces of candy
She said, “I just feel so greedy wanting it all.” As if the Holy Spirit opened a lesson book, she went on, “It’s like the other day. I was at the store, and there was this little girl in front of me in line. She walked up with two pieces of candy. The cashier rang it up and said, ‘That’ll be $1.93.’ Unfortunately all this little girl had was $1.
Zeke Lam on dealing with disappointments
We have a guest speaking to us today. He’s Zeke Lam, author of the nonfiction book subMission, talking to us about dealing with life’s disappointments.
Suzanne Hartmann on writing personal experiences in novels
Debut author Suzanne Hartmann offers us a guest post today about how she constructed her thriller, PERIL, which features a cool homeschooling mom and some NASCAR settings.
Jerram Barrs on the importance of story
Jerram Barrs, a professor at Covenant Theological Seminary, thinks we need to be reading stories. But not just any stories.
“The greatest stories not only entertain and enlighten us, but also teach us something about who we are–and how we fit into God’s True Story of a redeemed creation.” That’s from an article just published in the seminary’s magazine, Covenant, fall/winter 2011, p. 10. He goes on to quote Tolkien’s “On Fairy Stories,” and urges us to read not only the gospel story but “many other stories as well that echo its joy and hope.”
The Writer, Your Servant
I had a big hurdle to get over when it came to becoming a writer—someone who wrote seriously and often, as opposed to someone who just scribbled down thoughts now and again or played endlessly with stories in her head.
A medical whodunit for our free Kindle ebook
Christian author Dr. Richard Mabry has a medical whodunit on the free list for Kindle this week. Remember, you can read Kindle books on your computer! There’s no reason not to take advantage of this!
Medical Error has this plot summary:
My story about a prodigal daughter
I’ve written a novel about a prodigal daughter, tentatively titled Finding Home. I wanted to let you all know about it!
Peril: A Fast Track Thriller by Suzanne Hartmann, a review
Joanne’s an Illinois homeschooling mom struggling with the fact that her husband is losing a battle with cancer. She’s a survivor herself–she recovered from paralysis, thanks to an experimental adult-stem-cell treatment. Her family’s future looks uncertain, but she tries to trust God about it.
A beloved classic as a free ebook
Daughter of Joy by Kathleen Morgan (Brides of Culdee Creek, Book 1): Currently free on Amazon Kindle and at Looks like a good one, a beloved classic!
A free e-book, Signs and Wonders by Alex Adena
[signswonders] Signs and Wonders, a Christian novella by Alex Adena, is available for free today on Amazon and as an ebook. You can download it and read it on your computer if you don’t have an e-reader.