As a homeschooling veteran, I review middle-grade stories to help parents, librarians, and teachers choose good books.
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Was Rahab saved by her good works?
By faith we are saved, not by good works. It’s the cry of the Reformation, and it makes a lot of sense. If we are able to save ourselves through works, Jesus died in vain. But in the book of James, it sounds like Rahab’s deed saved her. Let’s look a little closer.
Nothing but Trouble by Susan May Warren, a review
PJ Sugar returns to her small town in Minnesota after wandering the United States for 10 years. Is she still the impulsive, passionate teen who loved the wild child Boone and helped set the country club afire on prom night, or has she grown up now?
Ask, seek, knock
It’s a funny thing about miracles. You need to ask for them. If you don’t, they don’t happen. If you do, maybe they happen, maybe they don’t. It’s all up to God, whose ways are higher than our ways and whose thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
Ask, seek, knock
It’s a funny thing about miracles. You need to ask for them. If you don’t, they don’t happen. If you do, maybe they happen, maybe they don’t. It’s all up to God, whose ways are higher than our ways and whose thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
Deeper Water by Robert Whitlow, a review
Robert Whitlow is a practicing attorney who likes to write novels. This book begins a series called Tides of Truth, set in Georgia and focusing on the character Tami Taylor, the product of a fiercely conservative homeschooling family that lives in the boonies.
Deeper Water by Robert Whitlow, a review
Robert Whitlow is a practicing attorney who likes to write novels. This book begins a series called Tides of Truth, set in Georgia and focusing on the character Tami Taylor, the product of a fiercely conservative homeschooling family that lives in the boonies.
“Reading your mail”
Todd White “reads the mail” of two guys he meets in New York. Do you think it’s real or staged?
Angel in photograph?
A youtube video from a CBS News report shows (after an ad) the story of a handicapped teen in North Carolina who got pneumonia. The girl had been on a ventilator for weeks, and doctors agreed she had no chance of recovery. Her parents reluctantly agreed to remove life support. That was done. The agonizing wait began.
Prayer healed my back
I suffer from a back that occasionally goes “out,” meaning I bend in some direction, and things go sproing. With the help of a chiropractor it usually takes three or four weeks before I can feel normal again. This happens every couple of years.
Last fall, it happened again. I was bending over and twisting, and sproing, there it went. It hurt to move, but move I had to do to live my life. I went to the chiropractor, and she did some adjusting and so on, but it was going to be the usual recovery period, I could tell.
I met with my regular prayer partner, Jennifer. Jennifer and I often lay on a hand and pray for healing.
16 flood victims in Brazil raised from the dead
After three days, the Holy Spirit raised them from the dead. There were 16 of them, all victims of a flood in Brazil. Read the story!
Blind woman healed
This video documents the healing of a blind woman in Nigeria. Thank you, Lord!
Sense of smell restored
My sense of smell had been on the way out for maybe 20 years, and had finally totally absented itself for about three years. My mother had had the same problem. I just figured it was genetic and lived with it. Never thought to ask anyone to pray about it.