
As a homeschooling veteran, I review middle-grade stories to help parents, librarians, and teachers choose good books.

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Two blind men healed in Mozambique

It was the summer of 2006. A blind man, a Muslim, asked an American woman in Mozambique for money. She prayed for him, but he wasn’t healed. So she gave him some money and suggested he come to the church service on Sunday. He came and brought a friend, also blind, also Muslim.

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Dead man raised

A man in Nigeria at a gathering fell to the floor, in cardiac arrest. Someone pulled out a video camera. Those around him performed CPR for some minutes, and then gave up. Then the preacher took over.

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After 23 years in wheelchair, gospel singer walks

For 23 years, Delia Roman Knox was the gospel singer in a wheelchair. A drunk driver had put her there at the age of 25. She was paralyzed from the waist down. Many had prayed for her over the years, but two months ago the time was right. At a revival meeting, she walked! And has been walking since. Even the evening news took notice.

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