tag-youre-itI agreed to be part of a blog hop, but I’ve decided to change the rules (because I don’t want to talk about myself right now). Let’s play tag! Blog tag!

I’m tagging these inspirational writers’ blogs as places for you to explore and be blessed. And I hope those who receive this “tag” will pay it forward and tag three specific blog posts on other writers’ blogs. Let’s bless each other this way!

Jeanne Takenaka

Who has been a messenger in her life? “These two precious sons—for whom I prayed for years—they summon me to slow down and enjoy life on their level for a little while.”

Sally Jo Pitts

A lesson from Dad: “One day we loaded the mule wagon with several 100-pound sacks of fertilizer to put out on our plowed field.”

Bill Garrison

“THE HEART OF CHRISTMAS by Lacy Williams, Robin Patchen, Terri Weldon, Bill Garrison, and Sharon Shrock is now available as a 99 cent Kindle book. All proceeds from the sale of the novella will go straight to our writer’s group treasury.”






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