Fay Lamb on “the chive check”

Today we have a guest post from author Fay Lamb: THE “CHIVE CHECK” “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.  Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and,...

Rooms by James L. Rubart, a review

Rooms by James L. Rubart Published 2010 by B&H Publishing, 382 pages Genre: contemporary supernatural Micah Taylor’s a driven man, a young software multimillionaire. He’s got a great girlfriend, an 80-hour-a-week job, and opportunity to travel. But...

Zeke Lam on dealing with disappointments

We have a guest speaking to us today. He’s Zeke Lam, author of the nonfiction book subMission, talking to us about dealing with life’s disappointments. To properly contend with and deal with disappointment, we must understand the root causes. When...

Jerram Barrs on the importance of story

Jerram Barrs, a professor at Covenant Theological Seminary, thinks we need to be reading stories. But not just any stories. “The greatest stories not only entertain and enlighten us, but also teach us something about who we are–and how we fit into...