I’ve got two pieces of news. My novel The Long Shadow now has a new cover. It’s a time-travel adventure, something that wasn’t obvious from the previous cover. Since so many young readers love fantasy, sci fi, and time travel, my publisher and I...
It’s here! The Long Shadow, my debut novel, is born today. I am so thrilled and thankful that so many people, including kids and adults, are reading it and telling me they love the book. Including, for example, Covenant Seminary professor Jerram Barrs: “I...
In Alone by Megan E Freeman, twelve-year-old Maddie plans a secret sleepover with two friends featuring a smorgasbord of Twinkies and soda. But her friends cancel and she sleeps by herself at her grandparents’ otherwise empty apartment. Then she wakes up to a...
Kate Albus has penned a World War II story, A Place to Hang the Moon, that engages the reader magnificently. Three orphans lose their only relative, their wealthy, cold and distant grandmother. Then their lawyer and former housekeeper send them with other children to...
Rejoice with me! My dream is coming true! My debut novel, The Long Shadow, comes out June 1 from Elk Lake Publishing. It’s an anti-racist novel for kids 10-14. I’ve been wanting to write a children’s book since I was 13! What’s The Long Shadow...
Twelve-year-old Ellie finds her middle-class family thrust by the Great Depression into foraging for existence in the woods on Echo Mountain, far removed from their former lives in town. In this book published in 2020 and written by Lauren Wolk, Ellie finds she loves...
Save Me a Seat by Sarah Weeks and Gita Varadarajan is a novel that pairs the points of view of two fifth grade boys, Ravi, a recent immigrant from India, and Joe, a local guy. Both have to deal with the same bully. The book alternates chapters between the two points...
Chirp by Kate Messner, published in 2020, tells the tale of Mia, a twelve year old former gymnast who’s just moved from Boston to Vermont. Her family moved there to support her grandmother, whose unpredictability makes everyone wonder what’s going to happen next....
Kate Messner’s Ranger in Time series features a rescue dog, Ranger, who who magically is called to other times and places to help save people. In this tale, Soldiers and Spies, Ranger helps a young black soldier in the Continental Army of George Washington....
Award-winning middle-grade Christian fiction writer extraordinaire! I'm excited to have you here. To learn more about me and my story as an author and homeschool mom, visit the About page.
The kid just wants his beloved dog back. Before it’s too late.
Disbelief and shock fill eleven-year-old Jake when a stranger grabs his beloved dog. Jake and his twin Ava chase the scruffy teen down their suburban street, but the thief simply vanishes. So … what is this ancient-looking skeleton key Jake finds in the street? Turning it in the air takes the twins—somewhere else!