The Edge of Extinction by Laura Martin, a series of two books published in 2016 and 2017, provides a dystopian Jurassic Park tale for middle-graders. Plucky Sky Mundy, in an underground colony in what once was northern Indiana, is just one of a few hundred humans...
In the movie “The Hate U Give,” 16-year-old Starr is an African-American living in what she calls “the ‘hood,” a place called Garden Heights, while attending a nearly all-white high school. She lives in both worlds, trying to fit in both...
Debut author Suzanne Hartmann offers us a guest post today about how she constructed her thriller, PERIL, which features a cool homeschooling mom and some NASCAR settings. For a free Kindle giveaway, keep reading! There’s a saying that goes, “Write what you know.” I...
Jerram Barrs, a professor at Covenant Theological Seminary, thinks we need to be reading stories. But not just any stories. “The greatest stories not only entertain and enlighten us, but also teach us something about who we are–and how we fit into...
I’ve written a novel about a prodigal daughter, tentatively titled Finding Home. I wanted to let you all know about it! After working on it for something like two years, I am finally ready to present it to someone who might help me publish it. So I sent it to an...
Deeper Water by Robert Whitlow Published 2008 by Thomas Nelson, 400 pages Genre: Christian women’s fiction/legal thriller Robert Whitlow is a practicing attorney who likes to write novels. This book begins a series called Tides of Truth, set in Georgia and...
Deeper Water by Robert Whitlow Published 2008 by Thomas Nelson, 400 pages Genre: Christian women’s fiction/legal thriller Robert Whitlow is a practicing attorney who likes to write novels. This book begins a series called Tides of Truth, set in Georgia and...
Award-winning middle-grade Christian fiction writer extraordinaire! I'm excited to have you here. To learn more about me and my story as an author and homeschool mom, visit the About page.
The kid just wants his beloved dog back. Before it’s too late.
Disbelief and shock fill eleven-year-old Jake when a stranger grabs his beloved dog. Jake and his twin Ava chase the scruffy teen down their suburban street, but the thief simply vanishes. So … what is this ancient-looking skeleton key Jake finds in the street? Turning it in the air takes the twins—somewhere else!